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Social Media Fashion Week

Recently visited the Social Media Fashion Week hosted by Engine.

Here is a pic of how much coffee I consumed...

and with that here are some mind fizzing ideas which we will debate at length internally. This top 10 is not fact but interesting to have a chat about :)

  1. Social media allows for faster adoption where the best things become viral and everything else becomes lost. The churn of images and the over exposure of creativity isn’t a bad thing as fashion becomes entertainment but you must become the best entertainer.
  2. The democratisation of social media is an illusion. The designer or creative leads. The consumer merely uses social media and aren’t the publishers we think they are.
  3. Social media is enabling the death of the retailer as brands can engage consumers and drive to their ecommerce.
  4. Your community should act as your customer service where possible. They are a lot more powerful
  5. Things that are aspirational are consumer hostile. You cannot be accessible and aspirational
  6. Conversion online is 3% and offline its 60% and social media has failed to improve conversion. Reviews improve upon the online offering but aren’t a solution for offline. Luxury fashion will always live in the bricks and mortar.
  7. Your customer cherishes the exclusive and some brands have ruined product in the minds of the consumer through their openness.
  8. Social media isn’t about ROI and isn’t scalable but is a tool to co create.
  9. Be brave  - consider mobile only content.
  10. Deliver emotion  - that is all you need to do J
Brands and services to check out that got signposted in some of the talks:

  • Fashion Daily from Asos  - mobile only!
  • Topshop – Instagram in store / social sharing opps in store
  • –check it out / download the app 
  • - stats on all things fashion